RollKall Blog

The Benefits of Gratitude Beyond the Thanksgiving Dinner Table

Written by RollKall | November 22 2021

If there was a pill that improved your mental well-being, improved sleep, helped combat stress and helped mitigate depression - would you take it? And what if it was absolutely free, aside from a little bit of time?

No, we’re not talking about exercise. (That’s AFTER the holiday season.) 

It is gratitude.

Thanksgiving is always the perfect time to be grateful and to reflect on the benefits of gratitude. That is, at least in theory, what the whole holiday is about; giving thanks where thanks is due, overdue, or not necessarily due at all, but appreciated nonetheless.

Despite the fact that the US has a whole holiday dedicated to the notion, most of us barely give gratitude a passing thought once Thanksgiving dinner is done. However, study, after study, after study shows that gratitude can have a positive effect on overall well-being and even help overcome trauma

And couldn’t we all use a little extra positivity in our lives? 

There is, of course, one caveat. The benefits of gratitude are amplified when the effort to be thankful is made on a regular basis

Apparently, gratitude isn’t gratifying overnight. 

While there are umpteen million books and twice as many articles on ways to incorporate gratitude into your routine, it doesn’t have to be time-consuming or difficult. You don’t have to keep a gratitude journal (though you certainly can if that’s your thing), or write thank you letters (even if you don’t send them). It can be as simple as thinking of one or two things you’re grateful for as you fall asleep most nights.

So as we go into this holiday season RollKall has one challenge. One request. One wish on our Christmas list: and that is to take this sense of gratitude and not only hang onto it throughout the entire holiday season, but bring it with you next year and beyond. Our families, our communities and even our own well-being will be better for it.

The RollKall team is grateful for you and the time you took to read our blog!